编程练习,基础1035: [编程入门]自定义函数之字符类型统计题解 (编写一函数) 编写一函数,由实参传来一个字符串,统计此字符串中字母、数字、空格和其它字符的个数,在主函数中输入字符串以及输出上述结果, 只要结果,别输出什么提示信息。... 编程与数学 2023-11-08 123 #编程练习 #基础1035: [编程入门]自定义函数之字符类型统计题解
名校训练,深搜1347: 八皇后题解 (数字运算之跳棋) 检查一个如下的6 x 6的跳棋棋盘,有六个棋子被放置在棋盘上,使得每行、每列只有一个,每条对角线上至多有一个棋子,上面的布局可以用序列2 4 6 1 3 5来描述,第i个数字表示在第i行的相应位置有一... 算法基础篇 2023-11-08 63 #名校训练 #深搜1347: 八皇后题解
HBC54750外宽中空的螺母,数学,计算几何Buying Keys题解 (xiaomingisattractedbymysterious) One day Xiao Ming is not happy because he has no idea about how to run out of his pocket money. At t... GESP认证真题 2023-11-08 94 #HBC54750外宽中空的螺母 #数学 #计算几何Buying Keys题解
HBC51397七便士,数据结构,并查集,思维Governing sand题解 (thewowvillageisoftenhitbywindandsand) There is a forest in front of the Wowo village, this forest can prevent the invasion of wind and san... 算法基础篇 2023-11-08 119 #HBC51397七便士 #数据结构 #并查集 #思维Governing sand题解
HBC233985方块涂色,组合数学Mogohu-Rea Idol题解 (外语:pinnie) A long time ago somewhere in the depths of America existed a powerful tribe governed by the great... STL编程 2023-11-08 49 #HBC233985方块涂色 #组合数学Mogohu-Rea Idol题解
HBC24054面积,计算几何[USACO 2017 Jan S]Cow Dance Show题解 (每日一词:cows) After several months of rehearsal, the cows are just about ready to put on their annual dance perfor... 编程与数学 2023-11-08 101 #HBC24054面积 #计算几何[USACO 2017 Jan S]Cow Dance Show题解
HBC214396逃脱,广度优先搜索(BFS),搜索MakeRounddogVeryHappy题解 (thetaskisadapted) The task is adapted from HDOJ 6701 - Make Rounddog Happy. Bobo has a sequence of integers a1, a2... 编程与数学 2023-11-08 129 #HBC214396逃脱 #广度优先搜索(BFS) #搜索MakeRounddogVeryHappy题解
HBC239959ExclusiveOR温温的那些年(hard)题解 (初中数学题目:那些年错过的大雨,那些年错过的爱情) 本题有easy和hard两个版本,两道题仅在数据范围上有差别, “那些年错过的大雨,那些年错过的爱情……”七夕到了,单身汪温温又在思春, “如果能回到那些年就好了……”... STL编程 2023-11-08 76 #HBC239959ExclusiveOR温温的那些年(hard)题解
HBC14305Permutation题解 A permutation p1, p2, ... , pn of 1, 2, ..., n is called a lucky permutation if and only if pi ≡ 0 (... 编程与数学 2023-11-08 95 #HBC14305Permutation题解