HBC24309树上行走,数据结构,并查集[USACO 2012 Feb S]Overplanting题解 (farmerjohn)

一天到晚红烧的鱼 算法基础篇 45 0
Farmer John has purchased a new machine that is capable of planting grass within any rectangular region of his farm that is "axially aligned" . Unfortunately, the machine malfunctions one day and plants grass in not one, but N (1

Farmer John has purchased a new machine that is capable of planting grass within any rectangular region of his farm that is "axially aligned" (i.e., with vertical and horizontal sides). Unfortunately, the machine malfunctions one day and plants grass in not one, but N (1 <= N <= 1000) different rectangular regions, some of which may even overlap.  Given the rectangular regions planted with grass, please help FJ compute the total area in his farm that is now covered with grass.

HBC24309树上行走,数据结构,并查集[USACO 2012 Feb S]Overplanting题解

标签: HBC24309树上行走 数据结构 并查集[USACO 2012 Feb S]Overplanting题解