HBC233145[JSOI2013]游戏中的学问,动态规划Illuminations II题解 (youaregiventwo)

一个忧伤的美男子 算法基础篇 32 0
You are given two convex polygons, where the larger polygon hasnnnvertices and the smaller polygon hasmmmvertices. All the vertices of the smaller polygon locate strictly inside the larger polygon, thus the smaller polygon fully locates strictly inside the larger polygon. Our dear friend JB is going to install an illuminant on the interior boundaries of the larger polygon to light up some exterior boundaries of the smaller polygon. Feeling indecisive, JB decides to choose where to install the illuminant uniformly at random on the interior boundaries of the larger polygon, and you need to calculate the expected length of the illuminated boundaries of the smaller polygon.

You are given two convex polygons, where the larger polygon has nnn vertices and the smaller polygon has mmm vertices. All the vertices of the smaller polygon locate strictly inside the larger polygon, thus the smaller polygon fully locates strictly inside the larger polygon. Our dear friend JB is going to install an illuminant on the interior boundaries of the larger polygon to light up some exterior boundaries of the smaller polygon. Feeling indecisive, JB decides to choose where to install the illuminant uniformly at random on the interior boundaries of the larger polygon, and you need to calculate the expected length of the illuminated boundaries of the smaller polygon.

HBC233145[JSOI2013]游戏中的学问,动态规划Illuminations II题解

标签: HBC233145[JSOI2013]游戏中的学问 动态规划Illuminations II题解