HBC15876Trees on Sale题解 (每日一句英语英语口语)

arkfactor 算法基础篇 30 0
It’s universally acknowledged that there’re innumerable trees in the campus of HUST.You decide to sell some trees one day, and you have known that N orders will come. You even know that each order wouldn’t ask for more than K trees. Now you want to pack some trees into several bundles for more convenient delivery, and you don’t want to unpack them anymore, which means you have to directly use these bundles to satisfy no matter how many trees each order asks for. Though there is no limitation on how many trees you can use to pack and how many trees any bundle consists of, you have to prepare the minimum number of bundles.Note that one tree can also be packed into a bundle. Each order can ask for different number of trees, also each bundle can contain different number of trees.

It’s universally acknowledged that there’re innumerable trees in the campus of HUST. You decide to sell some trees one day, and you have known that N orders will come. You even know that each order wouldn’t ask for more than K trees. Now you want to pack some trees into several bundles for more convenient delivery, and you don’t want to unpack them anymore, which means you have to directly use these bundles to satisfy no matter how many trees each order asks for. Though there is no limitation on how many trees you can use to pack and how many trees any bundle consists of, you have to prepare the minimum number of bundles. Note that one tree can also be packed into a bundle. Each order can ask for different number of trees, also each bundle can contain different number of trees.

HBC15876Trees on Sale题解

标签: HBC15876Trees on Sale题解