HBC223924[NOI2001]聪明的打字员,广度优先搜索(BFS),搜索CMicrowaveMishap题解 (每日一词:donaldisveryhungry)

冷默言语 算法基础篇 34 0
The Problem: Given the initial time in the form ofMM:SS, where the input is actually taken asHH:MM, determine how much extra the food will be in the microwave. Provide this info in the form ofHH:MM:SS.

Donald is very hungry. He grabs a TV dinner, puts it in the microwave, and enters 02:15 to cook it for 2 minutes and 15 seconds. Unknown to Donald, microwave takes these values as hours and minutes, i.e., microwave takes 02:15 as 2 hours and 15 minutes (not 2 minutes and 15 seconds). We need to tell Donald how much extra (i.e., the additional time) his food will be cooking. That is, we need to tell Donald that his food will cook 2 hours, 12 minutes, and 45 seconds more (longer) than what he was expecting!   The Problem:   Given the initial time in the form ofMM:SS, where the input is actually taken asHH:MM, determine how much extra the food will be in the microwave. Provide this info in the form ofHH:MM:SS.


标签: HBC223924[NOI2001]聪明的打字员 广度优先搜索(BFS) 搜索CMicrowaveMishap题解