HBC236070[SHOI2014]信号增幅仪,最小圆覆盖,计算几何LCS Spanning Tree题解 (外语:graph)

痛心疾首 算法基础篇 38 0
j is equal to the length of the longest common substring between. . Compute the maximum total weight of any spanning tree on this graph.A substring of a string can be obtained by removing some characters from the beginning and/or the end of that string. For example, "maca", "aca" and "cau" are all substrings of "macau", while "acu" is not.

Given a complete undirected graph of n n vertices and n n strings s_1, s_2, cdots, s_n s 1 ​ ,s 2 ​ ,⋯,s n ​ , the weight of edge connecting vertices i i and j j is equal to the length of the longest common substring (LCS) between s_i s i ​ and s_j s j ​ . Compute the maximum total weight of any spanning tree on this graph. A substring of a string can be obtained by removing some (possibly zero) characters from the beginning and/or the end of that string. For example, "maca", "aca" and "cau" are all substrings of "macau", while "acu" is not.

HBC236070[SHOI2014]信号增幅仪,最小圆覆盖,计算几何LCS Spanning Tree题解

标签: HBC236070[SHOI2014]信号增幅仪 最小圆覆盖 计算几何LCS Spanning Tree题解