HBC237461数位操作1,质因数分解,数学,数论Football Match题解 (drawingflag)

淫家是湿人 算法基础篇 39 0
Drawing flags is a boring job. But it is nice to do this. Given the coordinates of the point A and point B in the flag. You should output the coordinates of C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N. The flag is looks like this: Polygon EFGHIJKLMN is aregularfive-pointed star and polygon ABCD is a rectangle. The center of thepolygon EFGHIJKLMN and thepolygon ABCD isthe midpoint of the diagonal end points of the rectangle. Line AB parallel to line JE. It is possible to scale the flag down or scale the flag up when drawing. So it is possible that ∣AB∣≠20|AB|neq 20∣AB∣=20. It is possible to rotate the flag when drawing. So it is possible thatxA≠xb∧ya≠ybx_Ane x_b land y_a ne y_bxA=xb∧ya=yb.

Drawing flags is a boring job. But it is nice to do this. Given the coordinates of the point A and point B in the flag. You should output the coordinates of C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M and N. The flag is looks like this: Polygon EFGHIJKLMN is a regular five-pointed star (pentagram) and polygon ABCD is a rectangle. The center of the polygon EFGHIJKLMN and the polygon ABCD is the midpoint of the diagonal end points of the rectangle. Line AB parallel to line JE. It is possible to scale the flag down or scale the flag up when drawing. So it is possible that ∣AB∣≠20|AB|neq 20∣AB∣​=20. It is possible to rotate the flag when drawing. So it is possible that xA≠xb∧ya≠ybx_Ane x_b land y_a ne y_bxA​​=xb​∧ya​​=yb​.

HBC237461数位操作1,质因数分解,数学,数论Football Match题解

标签: HBC237461数位操作1 质因数分解 数学 数论Football Match题解