HBC222899[NOIP2003]神经网络,图论,拓扑排序LeagueofLegends题解 (qazlikestoplaylegends)

痛心疾首 算法基础篇 31 0
QAZ likes to play League of Legends and watch league matches as well. He thinks the double-elimination system of this year's league matches is not fair, so he invented a pro-double-elimination system. Specifically, in his system: There are three teams competing with each other. Firstly, two teams are selected with equal probability and compete. In each round, the losing team temporarily leaves, and the winning team continues to play against the other of the three teams that did not participate in this round. When a team loses two round in total, the elimination competition ends. For the sake of simplicity, any two teams have a 50% chance of winning against each other. Now please find out the expected number of rounds in this elimination competition.

QAZ likes to play League of Legends and watch league matches as well. He thinks the double-elimination system of this year's league matches is not fair, so he invented a pro-double-elimination system. Specifically, in his system: There are three teams competing with each other. Firstly, two teams are selected with equal probability and compete. In each round, the losing team temporarily leaves, and the winning team continues to play against the other of the three teams that did not participate in this round. When a team loses two round in total, the elimination competition ends. For the sake of simplicity, any two teams have a 50% chance of winning against each other. Now please find out the expected number of rounds in this elimination competition.


标签: HBC222899[NOIP2003]神经网络 图论 拓扑排序LeagueofLegends题解