HBC24153签到题,排列组合,组合数学,逆元,数学,数论[USACO 2016 Dec P]Robotic Cow Herd题解 (bessieishopingtofoolfarmer)

回忆凄美了谁 算法基础篇 41 0
Bessie is hoping to fool Farmer John by building a herd of K realistic robotic cows .It turns out that building a robotic cow is somewhat complicated. There are N individual locations on the robot into which microcontrollers must be connected . For each of these locations, Bessie can select from a number of different models of microcontroller, each varying in cost.For the herd of robotic cows to look convincing to Farmer John, no two robots should behave identically. Therefore, no two robots should have exactly the same set of microcontrollers. For any pair of robots, there should be at least one location at which the two robots use a different microcontroller model. It is guaranteed that there will always be enough different microcontroller models to satisfy this constraint.Bessie wants to make her robotic herd as cheaply as possible. Help her determine the minimum possible cost to do this!

Bessie is hoping to fool Farmer John by building a herd of K realistic robotic cows (1≤K≤100,000). It turns out that building a robotic cow is somewhat complicated. There are N (1≤n≤100,000) individual locations on the robot into which microcontrollers must be connected (so a single microcontroller must be connected at each location). For each of these locations, Bessie can select from a number of different models of microcontroller, each varying in cost. For the herd of robotic cows to look convincing to Farmer John, no two robots should behave identically. Therefore, no two robots should have exactly the same set of microcontrollers. For any pair of robots, there should be at least one location at which the two robots use a different microcontroller model. It is guaranteed that there will always be enough different microcontroller models to satisfy this constraint. Bessie wants to make her robotic herd as cheaply as possible. Help her determine the minimum possible cost to do this!

HBC24153签到题,排列组合,组合数学,逆元,数学,数论[USACO 2016 Dec P]Robotic Cow Herd题解

标签: HBC24153签到题 排列组合 组合数学 逆元 数学 数论[USACO 2016 Dec P]Robotic Cow Herd题解