
北笙凉宸 算法基础篇 40 0
Bill is trying to compactly represent sequences of capital alphabetic characters from 'A' to 'Z' by folding repeating subsequences inside them. For example, one way to represent a sequence AAAAAAAAAABABABCCD is 102B2D. He formally defines folded sequences of characters along with the unfolding transformation for them in the following way: A sequence that contains a single character from 'A' to 'Z' is considered to be a folded sequence. Unfolding of this sequence produces the same sequence of a single character itself. If S and Q are folded sequences, then SQ is also a folded sequence. If S unfolds to S' and Q unfolds to Q', then SQ unfolds to S'Q'. If S is a folded sequence, then X is also a folded sequence, where X is a decimal representation of an integer number greater than 1. If S unfolds to S', then X unfolds to S' repeated X times. According to this definition it is easy to unfold any given folded sequence. However, Bill is much more interested in the reverse transformation. He wants to fold the given sequence in such a way that the resulting folded sequence contains the least possible number of characters.

Bill is trying to compactly represent sequences of capital alphabetic characters from 'A' to 'Z' by folding repeating subsequences inside them. For example, one way to represent a sequence AAAAAAAAAABABABCCD is 10(A)2(BA)B2(C)D. He formally defines folded sequences of characters along with the unfolding transformation for them in the following way:  A sequence that contains a single character from 'A' to 'Z' is considered to be a folded sequence. Unfolding of this sequence produces the same sequence of a single character itself.  If S and Q are folded sequences, then SQ is also a folded sequence. If S unfolds to S' and Q unfolds to Q', then SQ unfolds to S'Q'.  If S is a folded sequence, then X(S) is also a folded sequence, where X is a decimal representation of an integer number greater than 1. If S unfolds to S', then X(S) unfolds to S' repeated X times. According to this definition it is easy to unfold any given folded sequence. However, Bill is much more interested in the reverse transformation. He wants to fold the given sequence in such a way that the resulting folded sequence contains the least possible number of characters. 


标签: HBC51220自适应树游走协议 差分 枚举 前缀和 深度优先搜索(DFS) 搜索Folding题解