HBC24261小宝的01游戏[USACO 2019 Feb G]Cow Land题解

爱的那么颓废 STL编程 58 0

Cow Land is a special amusement park for cows, where they roam around, eat delicious grass, and visit different cow attractions (the roller cowster is particularly popular). There are a total of N different attractions (2≤N≤10^5). Certain pairs of attractions are connected by pathways, N−1 in total, in such a way that there is a unique route consisting of various pathways between any two attractions. Each attraction ii has an integer enjoyment value ei, which can change over the course of a day, since some attractions are more appealing in the morning and others later in the afternoon. A cow that travels from attraction i to attraction j gets to experience all the attractions on the route from i to j. Curiously, the total enjoyment value of this entire route is given by the bitwise XOR of all the enjoyment values along the route, including those of attractions i and j. Please help the cows determine the enjoyment values of the routes they plan to use during their next trip to Cow Land.
