HBC236505[ZJOI2005]SWAMP 沼泽鳄鱼,快速幂,动态规划,矩阵乘法,线性代数,数学Light of Stars题解

凯凯我们等你回来 算法基础篇 43 0
n shining stars on an infinite two-dimensional plane. The. ). It's guaranteed no two stars occupy the same place.Each star emits thesame regions of light that don't intersect. Every region of light is given in the form of an angle. Now you want to know, for every star, the number of times it is lightened by other stars. Note that stars will not block the light.

There are  n n shining stars on an infinite two-dimensional plane. The i i-th star can be seen as a point located at (x_i,y_i) (x i ​ ,y i ​ ). It's guaranteed no two stars occupy the same place. Each star emits the same regions of light that don't intersect. Every region of light is given in the form of an angle. Now you want to know, for every star, the number of times it is lightened by other stars. Note that stars will not block the light.

HBC236505[ZJOI2005]SWAMP 沼泽鳄鱼,快速幂,动态规划,矩阵乘法,线性代数,数学Light of Stars题解

标签: HBC236505[ZJOI2005]SWAMP 沼泽鳄鱼 快速幂 动态规划 矩阵乘法 线性代数 数学Light of Stars题解