
冷默言语 算法基础篇 41 0
Azeroth is a world full of fantasy. In Azeroth, there are. You found a clock made from Azeroth. The clock has two hands --- the hour hand and the minute hand. The two hands point to the same direction at the start of a day. Either hand rotates at a constant speed. The hour hand goes around a full circle in. H hours and the minute hand goes around a full circle in. M minutes. Surprisingly, it is night in Azeroth if and only if the angle between the two hands is less than or equal to. , how many integral moments are there, such that the angle between the two hands is less than or equal to

Azeroth is a world full of fantasy. In Azeroth, there are {H} H hours in a day and {M} M minutes in an hour. You found a clock made from Azeroth. The clock has two hands --- the hour hand and the minute hand. The two hands point to the same direction at the start of a day. Either hand rotates at a constant speed. The hour hand goes around a full circle in {H} H hours and the minute hand goes around a full circle in {M} M minutes. Surprisingly, it is night in Azeroth if and only if the angle between the two hands is less than or equal to alpha α. Now you're wondering, given alpha = frac{2 pi A}{HM} α= HM 2πA ​ , how many integral moments (i.e., integer minutes since the start of the day) are there, such that the angle between the two hands is less than or equal to alpha α.


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