HBC229302笨小猴Hearthstone So Easy题解

北笙凉宸 算法基础篇 29 0
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Hearthstone is a turn-based card game. The game flow of each round is: Player 1 draws card ⇒Rightarrow⇒ player 1 plays cards ⇒Rightarrow⇒ player 2 draws card ⇒Rightarrow⇒ player 2 plays cards. We simplify the game logic as follows: During each player's draw stage, the player attempts to draw a card from his or her deck. During each player's playing stage, the player can choose: to increase his/her health by  kkk points. Note that there is no upper limit on health. to reduce the opponent's health by kkk points. When there are no cards in the player's card deck, the player will enter a state of fatigue. At this time, the player will increase his/her fatigue value by one every times he/she tries to draw a card, and then deduct the amount of health by the fatigue value. The fatigue value of each player is initially 000 points. pllj and freesin like playing hearthstone very much. In a certain game, both players have no cards in their decks, and both the fatigue points are 000 points, and the health points are both nnn points. When a player's health is less than or equal to 000, the player immediately loses the game. At this time, it's pllj's turn to draw card. Both players are very smart, so they play the game optimally. Who will be the winner? Please output his name.

HBC229302笨小猴Hearthstone So Easy题解

标签: HBC229302笨小猴Hearthstone So Easy题解