HBC50765AC,数据结构,堆/优先队列,贪心triples II题解

爱的那么颓废 算法基础篇 37 0
Doctor Elephant is testing his new program: output the bitwise or of the numbers inputed. He has decided to inputnnnmultiples of 3 and the output of the program should be his favorite numberaaa.

Doctor Elephant is testing his new program: output the bitwise or of the numbers inputed. He has decided to input nnn multiples of 3 and the output of the program should be his favorite number aaa. He wants to know how many possible sequences are there. Because the answer can be large, you only need to output the answer modulo 998244353998244353998244353.

HBC50765AC,数据结构,堆/优先队列,贪心triples II题解

标签: HBC50765AC 数据结构 堆/优先队列 贪心triples II题解