HBC214014Check In,枚举Zoos'sAnimalCodes题解

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The speed of mail sorting is also known as postal code, or post code. Postal area code system has become one of the standards to measure the level of communication technology and postal service in a

The speed of mail sorting is also known as postal code, or post code. Postal area code system has become one of the standards to measure the level of communication technology and postal service in a country.  The post code is usually composed of Arabic numerals, which represents a special code of the post office where the mail is delivered, and also the communication code of residents and units within the delivery range of the Bureau. Postal code is a special code for postal communication to realize mail machine sorting. It is a necessary tool to realize postal modernization. The ultimate purpose is to improve the speed and accuracy of your mail in the process of delivery. Therefore, it is necessary to write the postal code when delivering and sending letters and parcels.  For the convenience of management, zoos also arrange a code for each animal's residence, which is called animal code. The animal code consists of animal area code and animal species ID number. If the animal area code of the tiger is 008 and the animal species ID number of the South China tiger is 006, the animal code of the South China tiger is 008006. Now given an animal area code and animal species ID number, can you give the animal code of the animal?

HBC214014Check In,枚举Zoos'sAnimalCodes题解

标签: HBC214014Check In 枚举Zoos'sAnimalCodes题解