HBC13887Maximize The Beautiful Value题解

云中君 算法基础篇 33 0
Today HH finds a non-decreasing sequence, he thinks it's not beautiful so he wants to make it beautiful. To make it, HH will choose exactly one number and move it forward at least k steps, and then he defines the beautiful value F as HH asks you to calculate max

Today HH finds a non-decreasing sequence(a1,a2....an,ai≤ai+1), he thinks it's not beautiful so he wants to make it beautiful. To make it, HH will choose exactly one number and move it forward at least k steps(i.e. you can move ai to aj if k≤i−j), and then he defines the beautiful value F(n) as  HH asks you to calculate max(F(n))

HBC13887Maximize The Beautiful Value题解

标签: HBC13887Maximize The Beautiful Value题解