
原来我爱你 算法基础篇 33 0
The current programming club president, Norbit, gives speeches at the weekly club meetings. Casual viewers are underwhelmed with the quality of Norbit’s elocution. Specifically, Norbit often hesitates during his speeches with interjections like “umm.” You, however, are no casual viewer–you are a computer scientist!You have noticed strange patterns in Norbit’s speech. Norbit’s interjections, when arranged together, form a binary code!By substituting 1’s and 0’s for u’s and m’s, respectively, you produce 7-bit binary ASCII codes that spell out secret messages. For example, the letter ‘a’ has an ASCII code of 97, which translates to a binary value of 1100001 and an umm code of “uummmmu”. An umm code can be split up in the speech. For example, an encoding of ‘a’ could be stretched across three utterances: “uum”, “mmm”, “u” . Now that you have discovered Norbit’s secret, you go back through transcripts of his previous speeches to decode his cleverly concealed messages.

The current programming club president, Norbit, gives speeches at the weekly club meetings. Casual viewers are underwhelmed with the quality of Norbit’s elocution. Specifically, Norbit often hesitates during his speeches with interjections like “umm.” You, however, are no casual viewer–you are a computer scientist! You have noticed strange patterns in Norbit’s speech. Norbit’s interjections, when arranged together, form a binary code! By substituting 1’s and 0’s for u’s and m’s, respectively, you produce 7-bit binary ASCII codes that spell out secret messages. For example, the letter ‘a’ has an ASCII code of 97, which translates to a binary value of 1100001 and an umm code of “uummmmu”. An umm code can be split up in the speech. For example, an encoding of ‘a’ could be stretched across three utterances: “uum”, “mmm”, “u” (possibly with other non-umm code words occurring between them). Now that you have discovered Norbit’s secret, you go back through transcripts of his previous speeches to decode his cleverly concealed messages.


标签: HBC223712蕊蕊乘车去上学 数学 概率期望UmmCode题解