HBC24037最小差值Milk Pails题解

北笙凉宸 算法基础篇 52 0
Farmer John has received an order for exactly M units of milk that he needs to fill right away. Unfortunately, his fancy milking machine has just become broken, and all he has are three milk pails of integer sizes X, Y, and M (1≤X- He can fill the smallest pail (of size X) completely to the top with X units of milk and pour it into the size-M pail, as long as this will not cause the size-M pail to overflow.Although FJ realizes he may not be able to completely fill the size-M pail, please help him determine the maximum amount of milk he can possibly add to this pail.

Farmer John has received an order for exactly M units of milk (1≤M≤1,000) that he needs to fill right away. Unfortunately, his fancy milking machine has just become broken, and all he has are three milk pails of integer sizes X, Y, and M (1≤X- He can fill the smallest pail (of size X) completely to the top with X units of milk and pour it into the size-M pail, as long as this will not cause the size-M pail to overflow. - He can fill the medium-sized pail (of size Y) completely to the top with Y units of milk and pour it into the size-M pail, as long as this will not cause the size-M pail to overflow. Although FJ realizes he may not be able to completely fill the size-M pail, please help him determine the maximum amount of milk he can possibly add to this pail.

HBC24037最小差值Milk Pails题解

标签: HBC24037最小差值Milk Pails题解