
庄子墨 STL编程 129 0

China's cinemas are reopening after being closed for six months to help slow the spread of the coronavirus. Apollo has a cinema which contains n rows of seats and there are m seats in each row. We'll represent the seat on the x-th row and the y-th column as a pair of numbers (x, y). According to the policy, people in cinemas need to keep social distance. So two people can not sit at two neighboring seats. Two seats (x_1, y_1) (x 1 ​ ,y 1 ​ ), (x_2, y_2) (x 2 ​ ,y 2 ​ ) are considered to be neighboring if they have a common edge, i.e |x_1-x_2| + |y_1-y_2| = 1 ∣x 1 ​ −x 2 ​ ∣+∣y 1 ​ −y 2 ​ ∣=1. People will come to the box office to buy tickets one by one, and they are allowed to choose seats themselves. People can choose any valid seats. A seat is valid if it is not chosen by others and not neighboring with others' seats. The cinema cashier will stop sell tickets if there are no valid seats. As the boss of the cinema, Apollo wants to know the minimum number of tickets that can be sold in the worst case. We can assume there are enough people to buy tickets (i.e. the cinema cashier will continue to sell tickets until there are no valid seats).


标签: HBC210247Cinema题解