HBC15803Sorting Trees题解

天涯离梦残月幽梦 算法基础篇 21 0
It’s universally acknowledged that there’re innumerable trees in the campus of HUST. One day the tree manager of HUST asked you to sort N trees increasing by their heights ai. Becauseyou were a warm-hearted and professional programmer, you immediately wrote theBubble Sort to finish the task. However, you were sotired that made a huge mistake: for(int i=1;i

It’s universally acknowledged that there’re innumerable trees in the campus of HUST. One day the tree manager of HUST asked you to sort N trees increasing by their heights ai. Because you were a warm-hearted and professional programmer, you immediately wrote the Bubble Sort to finish the task. However, you were so tired that made a huge mistake: for(int i=1;i

HBC15803Sorting Trees题解

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