
季陌殇 算法基础篇 29 0
M_{i, j} = left{begin{matrix} x + a_i b_j & mathrm{when} i = j \ a_i b_j & mathrm{otherwise} end{matrix}right.

Bobo has an integer x and two n arrays a_1, dots, a_n a 1 ​ ,…,a n ​ , b_1, dots, b_n b 1 ​ ,…,b n ​ . He makes an n times n n×n matrix M where M_{i, j} = left{begin{matrix} x + a_i b_j & mathrm{when} i = j \ a_i b_j & mathrm{otherwise} end{matrix}right. M i,j ​ ={ x+a i ​ b j ​ a i ​ b j ​ ​ when i=j otherwise ​ Find the determinant of the matrix M modulo (10^9+7) (10 9 +7).


标签: HBC213131Determinant题解