HBC17448Heritage of skywalkert题解

凯凯我们等你回来 算法基础篇 34 0
skywalkert, the new legend of Beihang University ACM-ICPC Team, retired this year leaving a group of newbies again. Rumor has it that he left a heritage when he left, and only the one who has at least 0.1% IQ of his can obtain it. To prove you have at least 0.1% IQ of skywalkert, you have to solve the following problem: Given n positive integers, for all where 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n and i ≠ j, output the maximum value among lcmtext{lcm}lcm. lcmtext{lcm}lcm means the Lowest Common Multiple.

skywalkert, the new legend of Beihang University ACM-ICPC Team, retired this year leaving a group of newbies again. Rumor has it that he left a heritage when he left, and only the one who has at least 0.1% IQ(Intelligence Quotient) of his can obtain it. To prove you have at least 0.1% IQ of skywalkert, you have to solve the following problem: Given n positive integers, for all (i, j) where 1 ≤ i, j ≤ n and i ≠ j, output the maximum value among lcm(ai,aj)text{lcm}(a_i, a_j)lcm(ai​,aj​). lcmtext{lcm}lcm means the Lowest Common Multiple.

HBC17448Heritage of skywalkert题解

标签: HBC17448Heritage of skywalkert题解