
为你而来永不停止 算法基础篇 24 0
For a sequence a1, a2, ... , an, consider the following operation f: f = {b1, b2, ... , bn-1}, where bi= |ai - ai+1|. After applying the operation f for n - 1 times, denoted by fn-1, the sequence will become a single element. Bobo has a sequence a of length n filled with 0, 1 and ?. He would like to know the number of ways modulo to replace ?to 0 or 1 such that fn-1 = {1}.

For a sequence a1, a2, ... , an, consider the following operation f: f(a) = {b1, b2, ... , bn-1}, where bi = |ai - ai+1|. After applying the operation f for n - 1 times, denoted by fn-1(a), the sequence will become a single element. Bobo has a sequence a of length n filled with 0, 1 and ?. He would like to know the number of ways modulo (109+7) to replace ? to 0 or 1 such that fn-1(a) = {1}. 


标签: HBC214394分苹果 枚举AbsoluteDifferenceEquation题解