
2拍不死你 算法基础篇 59 0
The experiment field of this tournament is a rectangular region on a 2-dimensional plane, with axes parallel to the coordinate axes. The bottom-left corner of the field is at coordinate. B lying strictly inside the rectangle. The two segments may share common points. There is also a car inside the rectangle, which can be regarded as a point.A subtask of this tournament requires that the distances between the car and the two segments must be equal all the time during the movement. The distance between a point. Q is defined as the minimum Euclidean distance from. Please write a program to find the area of valid positions of the car.

Today, The First Grand Tournament of Automated Driving has officially commenced! The experiment field of this tournament is a rectangular region on a 2-dimensional plane, with axes parallel to the coordinate axes. The bottom-left corner of the field is at coordinate {(x_l,y_l)} (x l ​ ,y l ​ ) while the top-right corner is at coordinate {(x_r,y_r)} (x r ​ ,y r ​ ). There are two segments {A} A and {B} B lying strictly inside the rectangle. The two segments may share common points. There is also a car inside the rectangle, which can be regarded as a point. A subtask of this tournament requires that the distances between the car and the two segments must be equal all the time during the movement. The distance between a point {P} P and a segment {Q} Q is defined as the minimum Euclidean distance from {P} P to any point on {Q} Q. Explanation of the sample data. Please write a program to find the area of valid positions of the car.


标签: HBC223799[NOIP1999]回文数 字符串 模拟TheGrandTournament题解