
水水月牙 算法基础篇 29 0
For an n×mn times mn×m grid which is fully covered by 1×21 times 21×2 and 2×12 times 12×1 domnios, Bobo can perform the following two kinds of operations. * Choose a 2×22 times 22×2 subgrid which is covered by two 1×21 times 21×2 domnios, replace the two domnios with two 2×12 times 12×1 ones. * Choose a 2×22 times 22×2 subgrid which is covered by two 2×12 times 12×1 domnios, replace the two domnios with two 1×21 times 21×2 ones. Bobo has two n×mn times mn×m grids which are fully covered by domnios. He would like to know the minimum number of operations to make them identical.

For an n×mn times mn×m grid which is fully covered by 1×21 times 21×2 and 2×12 times 12×1 domnios, Bobo can perform the following two kinds of operations. * Choose a 2×22 times 22×2 subgrid which is covered by two 1×21 times 21×2 domnios, replace the two domnios with two 2×12 times 12×1 ones. * Choose a 2×22 times 22×2 subgrid which is covered by two 2×12 times 12×1 domnios, replace the two domnios with two 1×21 times 21×2 ones. Bobo has two n×mn times mn×m grids which are fully covered by domnios. He would like to know the minimum number of operations to make them identical.


标签: HBC209431Domino题解