
回忆凄美了谁 算法基础篇 36 0
nth row is 1. For example, a right triangle with a side length of 4 is as follows:. However, Haitao replaced these * with ordered uppercase letters, A, B, C ... X, Y, Z. That is, the triangle above becomes:. When the number of * is greater than 26, the letters used to form the right triangle are not enough, and we start from A again. For example, a right triangle of length 7 is:. n of the right triangle, what is the letter of the

Now there is a right triangle composed of * with a side length of n n. The length of the first row of the triangle is n n, the length of the second row is n-1 n−1, the length of the third row is n-2 n−2, and the length of the n nth row is 1. For example, a right triangle with a side length of 4 is as follows: **** *** ** * However, Haitao replaced these * with ordered uppercase letters, A, B, C ... X, Y, Z. That is, the triangle above becomes: ABCD EFG HI J When the number of * is greater than 26, the letters used to form the right triangle are not enough, and we start from A again. For example, a right triangle of length 7 is: ABCDEFG HIJKLM NOPQR STUV WXY ZA B Now, given the side length n n of the right triangle, what is the letter of the b b-th character in the a a-th row?


标签: HBC252120拯救小a 语言题 思维Triangle题解