HBC252835Counting0and1instring,动态规划Dream Team题解

痛心疾首 算法基础篇 55 0

Summer training is coming soon, and in order to achieve good results in the upcoming contests, everyone wants to find their favorite teammates to form their own dream team! There are 3n 3n students in the training team with corresponding numbers 1 1 to 3n 3n , and they will form n n teams, each consisting of 3 3 students . It is now known that there are m m pairs of students (x_i, y_i) (x i ​ ,y i ​ ) who are directly familiar with each other (i.e. x_i x i ​ is directly familiar with y_i y i ​ , and y_i y i ​ is directly familiar with x_i x i ​ ) . Friends of friends are friends. We define that student a a is familiar with student b b if one of the following conditions is met: 1. a a is directly familiar with b b , or 2. There exists a series of students x_1,x_2,dots, x_k (k > 0) x 1 ​ ,x 2 ​ ,…,x k ​  (k>0) satisfies: a a is directly familiar with x_1 x 1 ​ For all 1le i< k 1≤i 想要在职场中立于不败之地?那就来试试全网最全C++题库,让您在练习中快速提升技能。

标签: HBC252835Counting0and1instring 动态规划Dream Team题解