HBC24995[CSP2020]表达式(expr),数据结构,树[USACO 2008 Dec G]Secret Message题解

季陌殇 算法基础篇 44 0
Bessie is leading the cows in an attempt to escape!To do this, the cows are sending secret binary messages to each other.Ever the clever counterspy, Farmer John has intercepted the first bi (1

Bessie is leading the cows in an attempt to escape! To do this, the cows are sending secret binary messages to each other. Ever the clever counterspy, Farmer John has intercepted the first bi (1 <= bi <= 10,000) bits of each of M (1 <= M <= 50,000) of these secret binary messages. He has compiled a list of N (1 <= N <= 50,000) partial codewords that he thinks the cows are using. Sadly, he only knows the first cj (1 <= cj <= 10,000) bits of codeword j. For each codeword j, he wants to know how many of the intercepted messages match that codeword (i.e., for codeword j, how many times does a message and the codeword have the same initial bits). Your job is to compute this number. The total number of bits in the input (i.e., the sum of the bi and the cj) will not exceed 500,000. POINTS: 270

HBC24995[CSP2020]表达式(expr),数据结构,树[USACO 2008 Dec G]Secret Message题解

标签: HBC24995[CSP2020]表达式(expr) 数据结构 树[USACO 2008 Dec G]Secret Message题解