
一点都不欢乐 算法基础篇 33 0
n peaks with a valley between every two adjacent peaks.You now want to divide these peaks into several camps, and all the peaks of the same camp must be a continuous interval, and the dividing line between two adjacent camps must be a valley.Now for all the peaks of each camp, you need to choose exactly one ``General Peak`` among them.The weight of a certain distribution scheme is defined as: the weight sum of all general peaks plusthe weight sum of all dividing valleys.But your aesthetics are special, and now there are. , indicating that if there are at least two dividing lines in the. th valleys, the weight of this allocation scheme will be additionally increased by. .And these intervals do not intersect with each other.Your aesthetic will also change, and each change will change a value in. Please find the maximum value of the distribution scheme weight after each aesthetic change.

There are now n n peaks with a valley between every two adjacent peaks. The i i th mountain has a weight a_i a i ​ , and the i i th valley has a weight b_i b i ​ . You now want to divide these peaks into several camps, and all the peaks of the same camp must be a continuous interval, and the dividing line between two adjacent camps must be a valley. Now for all the peaks of each camp, you need to choose exactly one ``General Peak`` among them. The weight of a certain distribution scheme is defined as: the weight sum of all general peaks plus the weight sum of all dividing valleys. But your aesthetics are special, and now there are k k additional bonus points: The i i th condition is given by three numbers l_i,r_i,s_i l i ​ ,r i ​ ,s i ​ , indicating that if there are at least two dividing lines in the l_i l i ​ th to r_i r i ​ th valleys, the weight of this allocation scheme will be additionally increased by s_i s i ​ .And these intervals do not intersect with each other. Your aesthetic will also change, and each change will change a value in a_i,b_i,s_i a i ​ ,b i ​ ,s i ​ . Please find the maximum value of the distribution scheme weight after each aesthetic change.


标签: HBC244832K-BagMountain题解