HBC16846Filling pools题解

一点都不欢乐 算法基础篇 32 0
Niuniu is interested in a game. The goal of the game is to fill a pool with water. The pool is a n*n square. Every cell of the pool is either empty or filled with water. All the cells are empty at the beginning. NiuNiu has to choose exactly one cell in each rowand each column to fill with water. Every moment, for every cell, if there're at least 2 adjacent cells filled with water, the cell will be filled with water too. Note that two cells are adjacent if and only if they share a side. Niuniu wants to calculate the number of ways to fill the pool. The answer may be large, so you only need to calculate it modulo 998244353.

Niuniu is interested in a game. The goal of the game is to fill a pool with water. The pool is a n*n square. Every cell of the pool is either empty or filled with water. All the cells are empty at the beginning. NiuNiu has to choose exactly one cell in each row and each column to fill with water. Every moment, for every cell, if there're at least 2 adjacent cells filled with water, the cell will be filled with water too. Note that two cells are adjacent if and only if they share a side. Niuniu wants to calculate the number of ways to fill the pool. The answer may be large, so you only need to calculate it modulo 998244353.

HBC16846Filling pools题解

标签: HBC16846Filling pools题解