
冷夕颜 算法基础篇 27 0
n, with each character represented by a number for convenience, you need to write a second line that meets the following requirements:. i-th number in the second line. You can specify the correspondence relationship arbitrarily, but the relationship must be consistent and unique.For example, if you specify that the number 3 in the first line corresponds to the number 1 in the second line, then another non-3 number in the first line cannot correspond to the number 1, and all 3s in the first line must correspond to 1.

It's New Year's Day, and it was a tradition for ancient Chinese to write couplets. Sometimes one person would give the first line, and another person would need to come up with the second line based on the sentence structure and meaning, which requires considerable literary skills. Now given a first line of length n n, with each character represented by a number for convenience, you need to write a second line that meets the following requirements: 1. Each number in the second line must be a positive integer. 2. Each number in the second line must not appear in the first line. 3. The i i-th number in the first line corresponds to the i i-th number in the second line. You can specify the correspondence relationship arbitrarily, but the relationship must be consistent and unique. For example, if you specify that the number 3 in the first line corresponds to the number 1 in the second line, then another non-3 number in the first line cannot correspond to the number 1, and all 3s in the first line must correspond to 1.


标签: HBC252114意大利青年的烦恼Couplet题解