HBC230850[HAOI2006]聪明的猴子,图论,生成树A Bite of Teyvat题解

八贝勒 算法基础篇 42 0
n round plates and her friend and companion Guoba will help place these. However, Paimon the emergency food has been tired of waiting for the banquet a long time and begins finding the total area covered by the plates on the table after each placement.

Xiangling, one of the greatest chef in Teyvat, is preparing for the Moonchase banquet. Xiangling has bought n n round plates and her friend and companion Guoba will help place these n n plates on the table in a line. The i i-th plate placed has radius r_i r i ​ and the center of this plate locates at (x_i, 0) (x i ​ ,0) on the table. However, Paimon the emergency food has been tired of waiting for the banquet a long time and begins finding the total area covered by the plates on the table after each placement. Pixiv ID: 93526437

HBC230850[HAOI2006]聪明的猴子,图论,生成树A Bite of Teyvat题解

标签: HBC230850[HAOI2006]聪明的猴子 图论 生成树A Bite of Teyvat题解