HBC13882Knapsack Problem题解

上官魅 算法基础篇 33 0
Today HH becomes a shopper, and he wants to buy a lot. HH has a bag that can carry at most w kilograms things in total, and he has d dollars. Now he wants to buy n items,the ith item weights wi kilogram and costs ci dollars. HHis not good at math so he asks you to tell him whether he can buy all the things and carry them with the bag.

Today HH becomes a shopper, and he wants to buy a lot. HH has a bag that can carry at most w kilograms things in total, and he has d dollars. Now he wants to buy n items,the ith item weights wi kilogram and costs ci dollars. HHis not good at math so he asks you to tell him whether he can buy all the things and carry them with the bag.

HBC13882Knapsack Problem题解

标签: HBC13882Knapsack Problem题解