HBC229640数组合并,二分,线段树,数据结构,分治A. balloon题解

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Xiaoxiang has nnn children and mmm balloons. After class this day, my friends are going to grab these balloons. Each balloon has a certain height on the wall. Only when the children jump up, the height that their hands can reach is greater than or equal to the height of the balloon, and the children can pick up the balloon. For the sake of fairness, the teacher asked the children who jumped low to pick them first, and the children who jumped high to pick them later. Children are very greedy, and every child will take off all the balloons he can pick when picking balloons. Coincidentally, the children can reach different heights when they jump up, so that there will be no disputes among children with the same height after jumping up.

Xiaoxiang has nnn children and mmm balloons. After class this day, my friends are going to grab these balloons. Each balloon has a certain height on the wall. Only when the children jump up, the height that their hands can reach is greater than or equal to the height of the balloon, and the children can pick up the balloon. For the sake of fairness, the teacher asked the children who jumped low to pick them first, and the children who jumped high to pick them later. Children are very greedy, and every child will take off all the balloons he can pick when picking balloons. Coincidentally, the children can reach different heights when they jump up, so that there will be no disputes among children with the same height after jumping up.

HBC229640数组合并,二分,线段树,数据结构,分治A. balloon题解

标签: HBC229640数组合并 二分 线段树 数据结构 分治A. balloon题解