HBC26002CCA的小球,组合数学,二项式定理,数论Paper Plane Fly Away题解

回忆凄美了谁 算法基础篇 44 0
There are n boys, indexed from 1 to n, and n girls indexed from n+1 to 2n.One day, they have a party together. The girls are seated in the first row, and the boys sit in the second row. They take their seat in such a way, that a boy sit just behind a girl, and boy indexed 1 sit on the leftmost chair, 2 sit on the second, etc.Each boy has a girl he likes,and he may make contact to his sweetheart, by writing down what he wants to tell her on a piece of paper, and makes it a paper plane, which he will throw directly at her. You may assume that the plane will go in a straight line.But, the trouble occurs, when two paper plane collide in the air and drop halfway. Obviously, this will be extremely awkward. So each boy wants to know, if he throws his paper plane, how many paper planes have the potential to collide with it halfway.It's guaranteed that each girl is the sweetheart of exactly one boy.

There are n boys, indexed from 1 to n, and n girls indexed from n+1 to 2n. One day, they have a party together. The girls are seated in the first row, and the boys sit in the second row. They take their seat in such a way, that a boy sit just behind a girl, and boy indexed 1 sit on the leftmost chair, 2 sit on the second, etc. Each boy has a girl he likes,and he may make contact to his sweetheart, by writing down what he wants to tell her on a piece of paper, and makes it a paper plane, which he will throw directly at her. You may assume that the plane will go in a straight line. But, the trouble occurs, when two paper plane collide in the air and drop halfway. Obviously, this will be extremely awkward. So each boy wants to know, if he throws his paper plane, how many paper planes have the potential to collide with it halfway. It's guaranteed that each girl is the sweetheart of exactly one boy.

HBC26002CCA的小球,组合数学,二项式定理,数论Paper Plane Fly Away题解

标签: HBC26002CCA的小球 组合数学 二项式定理 数论Paper Plane Fly Away题解