
为你而来永不停止 算法基础篇 44 0
A simple polygon is a polygon that does not intersect itself and has no holes. Note that a simple polygon has at least. n edges. Note that each segment must be used exactly once.

You have n n segments, which are numbered from 1 1 to n n. The length of the i i-th segment is a_i a i ​ . A simple polygon is a polygon that does not intersect itself and has no holes. Note that a simple polygon has at least 3 3 edges and its area is not equal to 0. Determine whether you can use all n n segments to form a simple polygon with n n edges. Note that each segment must be used exactly once.


标签: HBC237309[AHOI2008]聚会 广度优先搜索(BFS) 倍增 连通性 搜索Polygon题解