
回忆凄美了谁 算法基础篇 38 0
soon and she wants to divide it into two subsequences.are different and subsequences can be empty, so there are. , Nami will call it a great division if and only if the following conditions hold:. If there are several possible sequences, you can print any of them. If there is no sequence with the greatness equal to

Nami will get a sequence  S S of  n n positive integers  S_1, S_2, dots, S_n S 1 ​ ,S 2 ​ ,…,S n ​  soon and she wants to divide it into two subsequences. At first, Nami has two empty sequences  S_A S A ​  and  S_B S B ​ . She will consider each integer in  S S in order, and append it to either  S_A S A ​  or  S_B S B ​ . Nami calls sequences  S_A, S_B S A ​ ,S B ​  she gets in the end a division of  S S. Note that  S_A S A ​  and  S_B S B ​  are different and subsequences can be empty, so there are  2^n 2 n  ways to divide  S S into  S_A S A ​  and  S_B S B ​ , which means there are  2^n 2 n  possible divisions of  S S. For a division, supposing that there are  n_A n A ​  integers in  S_A S A ​  and  n_B n B ​  integers in  S_B S B ​ , Nami will call it a great division if and only if the following conditions hold: S_{A,1}leq S_{A,2}leq dotsleq S_{A,n_A} S A,1 ​ ≤S A,2 ​ ≤⋯≤S A,n A ​ ​ S_{B,1}geq S_{B,2}geq dotsgeq S_{B,n_B} S B,1 ​ ≥S B,2 ​ ≥⋯≥S B,n B ​ ​ Nami defines the greatness of  S S as the number of different great divisions of  S S. Now Nami gives you a magic number  k k, and your task is to find a sequence  S S with the greatness equal to  k k for her. Note that the length of  S S should not exceed  365 365 and the positive integers in  S S should not exceed  10^8 10 8 . If there are several possible sequences, you can print any of them. If there is no sequence with the greatness equal to  k k, print  -1 −1.


标签: HBC236499FlowersDivisions题解