
柳絮泡泡 算法基础篇 24 0
Wowo is a solo adventurer who completed many dangerous journeys on his own foot in forests, deserts and even glaciers. The Shanghai ICPC committee invited Wowo as a tester of their new running trial.The trial can be described as a 2D simple polyline. ). The line segments do not intersect with each other except that two consecutive line segments. . Any two consecutive segments have different directions. The committee wants Wowo to run from. However, Wowo has a smart device that can hack the committee's system for an interval of time. Wowo is able to choose 2 points

Wowo is a solo adventurer who completed many dangerous journeys on his own foot in forests, deserts and even glaciers. The Shanghai ICPC (Shanghai Invitational Contest on Programmable Cheating) committee invited Wowo as a tester of their new running trial. The trial can be described as a 2D simple polyline (p_1,ldots, p_n) (p 1 ​ ,…,p n ​ ). In other words, the trial consists of {n-1} n−1 line segments (p_1, p_2),ldots, (p_{n-1}, p_n) (p 1 ​ ,p 2 ​ ),…,(p n−1 ​ ,p n ​ ). The line segments do not intersect with each other except that two consecutive line segments (p_i, p_{i+1}) (p i ​ ,p i+1 ​ ) and (p_{i+1}, p_{i+2}) (p i+1 ​ ,p i+2 ​ ) intersect at the point p_{i+1} p i+1 ​ . Any two consecutive segments have different directions. The committee wants Wowo to run from p_1 p 1 ​ to p_n p n ​ along the line segments (p_1,p_2),ldots, (p_{n-1}, p_n) (p 1 ​ ,p 2 ​ ),…,(p n−1 ​ ,p n ​ ) in order. However, Wowo has a smart device that can hack the committee's system for an interval of time. Wowo is able to choose 2 points {a, b} a,b on the trial and run directly from {a} a to {b} b along the line segment {(a, b)} (a,b). Each of these {a} a and {b} b can be some p_i p i ​ ( 1le ile n 1≤i≤n) and can be some point on some line segment (p_i, p_{i+1}) (p i ​ ,p i+1 ​ ) ( 1le i


标签: HBC214890蓝廋 香菇 枚举Wowoear题解