HBC233174Cave Escape,图论,生成树,数据结构,并查集Abstract Art题解

庄子墨 算法基础篇 49 0
Arty has been an abstract artist since childhood, and his works have taken on many forms. His latest creations are lovingly referred to asAbstract Art within the abstract art community . Here's an example of one of Arty's recent works: Figure 1: An example of Arty’s art. As you can see, Abstract Art is created by painting polygons. When Arty paints one of his designs he always paints each polygon completely before moving on to the next one. The price of individual pieces of Arty’s Abstract Art varies greatly based on their aesthetic appeal, but collectors demand two pieces of information about each painting: 1.the total amount of paint used, and 2.the total amount of canvas covered. Note that the first value will be larger than the second whenever there is overlap between two or more polygons. Both of these values can be calculated from a list containing the vertices of all the polygons used in the painting, but Arty can’t waste his time on such plebeian pursuits — he has great art to produce!I guess it’s left up to you.

Arty has been an abstract artist since childhood, and his works have taken on many forms. His latest (and most pricey) creations are lovingly referred to as Abstract Art within the abstract art community (they're not the most original bunch when it comes to loving nicknames). Here's an example of one of Arty's recent works: Figure 1: An example of Arty’s art. As you can see, Abstract Art is created by painting (possibly overlapping) polygons. When Arty paints one of his designs he always paints each polygon completely before moving on to the next one. The price of individual pieces of Arty’s Abstract Art varies greatly based on their aesthetic appeal, but collectors demand two pieces of information about each painting: 1.the total amount of paint used, and 2.the total amount of canvas covered. Note that the first value will be larger than the second whenever there is overlap between two or more polygons. Both of these values can be calculated from a list containing the vertices of all the polygons used in the painting, but Arty can’t waste his time on such plebeian pursuits — he has great art to produce! I guess it’s left up to you.

HBC233174Cave Escape,图论,生成树,数据结构,并查集Abstract Art题解

标签: HBC233174Cave Escape 图论 生成树 数据结构 并查集Abstract Art题解