
人生如戏 算法基础篇 34 0
There are n magical circles on a plane. They are centered at ,, . . . ,, respectively. In the beginning, the radius of each circle is 0, and the radii of all magical circles will grow at the same rate. When an magical circle touches another, then it stops growing. Write a program to calculate the total area of all magical circles at the end of growing.

There are n magical circles on a plane. They are centered at (x1, y1),(x2, y2), . . . ,(xn, yn), respectively. In the beginning, the radius of each circle is 0, and the radii of all magical circles will grow at the same rate. When an magical circle touches another, then it stops growing. Write a program to calculate the total area of all magical circles at the end of growing. 


标签: HBC224026多彩的树 状压dp 动态规划ProblemC:Circles题解