HBC25106疫情死亡率,语言题[USACO 2006 Ope l]Scrambled Strings题解 (charactersinlength)

柳絮泡泡 结构体及应用 45 0
Given a pair of strings, each 80 or fewer characters in length, determine two things: * The number of non-blank characters in the first string * Whether the first string can be rearranged to form the second string. The input strings will contain only letters , digits, and spaces. 'Rearrangement' means strict reordering; no character can be changed, deleted, or added.

Given a pair of strings, each 80 or fewer characters in length, determine two things: * The number of non-blank characters in the first string * Whether the first string can be rearranged to form the second string. The input strings will contain only letters (potentially both upper and lower case), digits, and spaces. 'Rearrangement' means strict reordering; no character can be changed, deleted, or added.


标签: HBC25106疫情死亡率 语言题[USACO 2006 Ope l]Scrambled Strings题解