
凯凯我们等你回来 算法基础篇 47 0
Two pokemons are in a battle.One is our and another is the opposite’s.Our pokemon is in confusion and the opposite’s pokemon is frozen.Once per turn , the opposite’s pokemon does nothing and our pokemon gives w damages to the opposite’s pokemon with a probability of P while gives w damages to itself with a probability of 1 P.Our pokemon has hp1 health points and the opposite’s pokemon has hp2 health points.If one pokemon’s health points are zero or below zero, the game is over.Your task is to calculate the expected number of turn.

Two pokemons are in a battle.One is our and another is the opposite’s. Our pokemon is in confusion and the opposite’s pokemon is frozen. Once per turn , the opposite’s pokemon does nothing and our pokemon gives w damages to the opposite’s pokemon with a probability of P while gives w damages to itself with a probability of 1 − P. Our pokemon has hp1 health points and the opposite’s pokemon has hp2 health points. If one pokemon’s health points are zero or below zero, the game is over. Your task is to calculate the expected number of turn.


标签: HBC213446装水容器PokemonUltraSun(评测)题解