HBC24835Determinant,数学[USACO 2009 Mar B]Plumbing the Pond题解

你曾走过我的故事 算法基础篇 38 0
Bessie's drinks water from a pond in the northwest part of the farm. It has an interesting bottom in that it is full of little hills and valleys. She wonders how deep it is.She trolls across the pond in her little boat with a very old radar set that tends to have spurious readings. She knows the deepest part is relatively flat and has decided that she'll believe the largest depth number only if it is verified by the fact that the same depth appears in an adjacent reading.

Bessie's drinks water from a pond in the northwest part of the farm. It has an interesting bottom in that it is full of little hills and valleys. She wonders how deep it is. She trolls across the pond in her little boat with a very old radar set that tends to have spurious readings. She knows the deepest part is relatively flat and has decided that she'll believe the largest depth number only if it is verified by the fact that the same depth appears in an adjacent reading. The pond is modeled as an R x C (1 <= R <= 50; 1 <= C <= 50) grid of (positive integer) depth readings D_{rc} D rc ​ (0 <= D_{rc} D rc ​ <= 1,000,000); some readings might be 0 -- those are not part of the pond. A depth reading of 10 means "depth of 10". Find the greatest depth that appears in at least two 'adjacent' readings (where 'adjacent' means in any of the potentially eight squares that border a square on each of its sides and its diagonals). She knows the pond has at least one pair of positive, adjacent readings.

HBC24835Determinant,数学[USACO 2009 Mar B]Plumbing the Pond题解

标签: HBC24835Determinant 数学[USACO 2009 Mar B]Plumbing the Pond题解