HBC230839[HAOI2006]旅行COMF,并查集,数据结构Closest Pair of Segments题解

为你而来永不停止 算法基础篇 50 0
n points on the Euclidean plane, and you need to find a pair of points with the smallest distance between them.Now, Claris, the brilliant one who has participated in programming contests for several years, is trying to solve a harder problem named the closest pair of segments problem, which also has a quite simple description as above.However, the problem seems too hard, even for Claris, and she is asking you for help.n segments are lying on the Euclidean plane. You have to pick two different segments, and then pick a point on each of them. Do it in such a way that the distance between these two points is the minimum possible.For simplicity, no two given segments share a common point. Also, you don't need to show her the two points: just find the minimum possible distance between them instead.

The closest pair of points problem is a well-known problem in computational geometry. In this problem, you are given n n points on the Euclidean plane, and you need to find a pair of points with the smallest distance between them. Now, Claris, the brilliant one who has participated in programming contests for several years, is trying to solve a harder problem named the closest pair of segments problem, which also has a quite simple description as above. However, the problem seems too hard, even for Claris, and she is asking you for help. Now n n segments are lying on the Euclidean plane. You have to pick two different segments, and then pick a point on each of them. Do it in such a way that the distance between these two points is the minimum possible. For simplicity, no two given segments share a common point. Also, you don't need to show her the two points: just find the minimum possible distance between them instead.

HBC230839[HAOI2006]旅行COMF,并查集,数据结构Closest Pair of Segments题解

标签: HBC230839[HAOI2006]旅行COMF 并查集 数据结构Closest Pair of Segments题解