HBC243977ABBFactor Difference题解

2拍不死你 算法基础篇 44 0
Cuber QQ is finding the minimal interesting number. An interesting number xxx satisfies: xxx is a positive integer; xxx has at least eight factors; The difference between any two different factors of xxx is not less than nnn. Now, Cuber QQ will give you nnn, and ask you to find the least interesting number.

Cuber QQ is finding the minimal interesting number. An interesting number xxx satisfies: xxx is a positive integer; xxx has at least eight factors; The difference between any two different factors of xxx is not less than nnn. Now, Cuber QQ will give you nnn, and ask you to find the least interesting number.

HBC243977ABBFactor Difference题解

标签: HBC243977ABBFactor Difference题解