HBC244825乐团派对,线性dp,动态规划Cross Fire题解

arkfactor 算法基础篇 58 0
CF is a multinational multi player real-time online exciting electronic sports game . Happy , an old retired player , can not extricate himself from being addicted to CF . The game will hold competit

CF is a multinational multi player real-time online exciting electronic sports game . Happy , an old retired player , can not extricate himself from being addicted to CF . The game will hold competitions frequently . After each competition , the rating of the participants in the game will increase or decrease according to their performance . It's a pity that such competitions are all late at night . Happy's body does not support him to stay up late to play games continuously . Therefore, every time he stays up late to play a game, he needs to rest for at least kkk days , that is , if he played a game at the iii-th day , the next game can only be played at the jjj-th (j≥i+k+1jgeq i+k+1j≥i+k+1) day . However, as Happy is a fanatic , once he has rested for more than or equal to kkk days , he will firmly participate in the next game . Happy is a person with strong desire to win . He saw the game arrangement of CF , and according to the information obtained , he estimated how much his rating would increase or decrease after he participated in the game . Happy's wife was very resistant to this, so she put forward a request : Happy can choose any date to start his first game ( we call that CF journey ), then played at most mmm games . In his CF journey , if Happy wants to give up , he can end his journey at any day . Please help Happy to calculate the maximum rating he can get .

HBC244825乐团派对,线性dp,动态规划Cross Fire题解

标签: HBC244825乐团派对 线性dp 动态规划Cross Fire题解