
爱的那么颓废 算法基础篇 79 0
Despite being a city of opportunity, Gadgetzan is a place where gangs rule the streets. Recently, a group of robbers broke the exterior wall of the First Bank of Gadgetzan and stole several crates o

Despite being a city of opportunity, Gadgetzan is a place where gangs rule the streets. Recently, a group of robbers broke the exterior wall of the First Bank of Gadgetzan and stole several crates of jade antiques. The bank’s owner has just posted an announcement in Gadgetzan Gazette, offering a great quantity of arcane dust and many unused decks for the capture of perpetrators. You, as a famous detective in Gadgetzan, have collected several testimonies from witnesses. Here is how these testimonies may look like. “Kazakus was not at home on the day of the robbery.” “If the courier was at home, so was the Kazakus.” “If Kazakus and the courier were at home that day, then the Kazakus must not be the robber.” Generically, each testimony is in one of the following four forms: Unconditional Affirmation This kind of testimony asserts that some proposition is true. Unconditioanl Denial This kind of testimony asserts that some proposition is false. Conditional Affirmation This kind of testimony asserts that some proposition is true if several propositions (called the antecedents) are true. Conditional Denial This kind of testimony asserts that some proposition is false if several propositions are true. Note that every proposition is either true or false.Having collected these testimonies, you are going to solve the mystery. You want to find out if these testimonies conflict with each other. And if not, you want to figure out the truth of this incidence; that is, you want to identify the truth of each proposition, such that all testimonies are valid.


标签: HBC223802[NOIP1999]旅行家的预算 贪心 NOIP复赛MeanStreetsofGadgetzan题解