HBC214195Sum,线段树,数据结构munan的传球游戏题解 (外语:mn)

一切都很简单 函数的递归 54 0
The rules of the game are as follows: n people stand in a circle, one of them holds a ball in his hand. When the referee blows his whistle, he starts to pass the ball. Each person can pass the ball to one of the two people on his left and right . When the referee blows his whistle again, the pass stops. At this time, the person who does not pass the ball is the loser, and he has to perform a program for everyone.Mn thought of a question: how many different passing methods can make the ball from Mn's hand pass m times and then return to his hand?The two passing methods are regarded as different methods, if and only if the sequence of people receiving the ball is different according to the order of receiving the ball. For example, there are three people: No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. Assuming that Mn is No. 1, there are two ways to return the ball to Mn's hands after three passes: 1 - > 2 - > 3 - > 1 and 1 - > 3 - > 2 - > 1.

Mn is playing a passing game. The rules of the game are as follows: n people stand in a circle, one of them holds a ball in his hand. When the referee blows his whistle, he starts to pass the ball. Each person can pass the ball to one of the two people on his left and right (at random). When the referee blows his whistle again, the pass stops. At this time, the person who does not pass the ball is the loser, and he has to perform a program for everyone. Mn thought of a question: how many different passing methods can make the ball from Mn's hand pass m times and then return to his hand? The two passing methods are regarded as different methods, if and only if the sequence of people receiving the ball is different according to the order of receiving the ball. For example, there are three people: No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3. Assuming that Mn is No. 1, there are two ways to return the ball to Mn's hands after three passes: 1 - > 2 - > 3 - > 1 and 1 - > 3 - > 2 - > 1.


标签: HBC214195Sum 线段树 数据结构munan的传球游戏题解