HBC233739[SCOI2003]蜘蛛难题,模拟Start Dash ! !题解

原来我爱你 算法基础篇 51 0
As a LLer, Kris loves dashing and he wants everyone to enjoy the interest of dashing. Kris can dash towards someone and pick him up so that they will dash together, forming a ray. If Kris hits the wall after he picks someone up, they will both enjoy the interest of dashing. For some secret reason, the walls now form a convex hull and Kris can only start dashing form an arbitary point in a triangle outside the polygon. Now Kris wants you to calculate the area of points that he can enjoy dashing with.Formally, there's a convex hull. You will be given. A , which is strictly outside the polygon. You must answer the area of points which satisfy the condition:. P to this point intersects with the convex hull but the segment from

It's time to start dash!! As a LLer, Kris loves dashing and he wants everyone to enjoy the interest of dashing. Kris can dash towards someone and pick him up so that they will dash together, forming a ray. If Kris hits the wall after he picks someone up, they will both enjoy the interest of dashing. For some secret reason, the walls now form a convex hull and Kris can only start dashing form an arbitary point in a triangle outside the polygon. Now Kris wants you to calculate the area of points that he can enjoy dashing with. Formally, there's a convex hull. You will be given m m queries. Each query will give you a triangle A A ( maybe degenerated ), which is strictly outside the polygon. You must answer the area of points which satisfy the condition: 1.The point is strictly outside the polygon. 2. There exists a point P P in the triangle, the ray from P P to this point intersects with the convex hull but the segment from P P to this point does not.

HBC233739[SCOI2003]蜘蛛难题,模拟Start Dash ! !题解

标签: HBC233739[SCOI2003]蜘蛛难题 模拟Start Dash ! !题解